Sunday, 21 February 2010

Back to blogging!

Wow, haven't blogged for a while! Just thought i'd let ya know what's going on in Carrie world!

Well, i'm training three times a week now. Gotta keep healthy and looking good! This is hopefully gonna be a big year for me. Now that i've left school it's onwards and upwards in pursuing the acting and singing career! But anyways, Training with my instructor Dave is tiring but i feel wicked afterwards! The Mcfly boys are obviously working hard now so i'm training all on my lonesome which makes it all the more hard! Usually with the guys i'll get a break while they do one exercise and once their done we'll switch. Now i'm constantly on my toes! But it'll all pay off in the end! No pain no gain right?

Valentines day was amazing! He bought me a chocolate lolly from Chanel, a big bunch of roses (which surprisingly are still alive!) and he made me this big purple book of pictures of us since we've started going out. He'd printed them off, cut them out and stuck them in the book and written little captions next to each picture....bless him. I really loved it! In return i gave him "A Happy Place".....maybe i should explain....Since we've been going out i've kept a shoe box and collected little souvenirs from places we've gone. Like receits from restaurants and wristband's from his band's concerts and tickets from ice skating...that kind of thing. I made him his own little box and took some things out of my box that should be in his along with a heartfelt letter. *holds up sign post saying "AWWWWWWW"*

I spent most of the last week with Charlie. We watched a few movies including the Goonies, Ghost and Laputa! But then i found out he's never seen the Wizard of Oz....SHOCK HORROR! That's next on the list i think!

Well anyways, i better skidaddle. Me and mum are gonna watch the Bafta's now. A Good buddy is up for the Rising star award!! GOOD LUCK NICK!!!!

Love to all!

