Friday, 1 January 2010

Rockin' around the christmas tree!

This week has been a real rollercoaster!!
Last saturday was my Christmas Party! It was INCREDIBLE!!!!! The idea behind it was that Charlie isn't spending christmas here but in Hong Kong where he my mum said "why don't we have a christmas dinner for him?" which then turned into a christmas party! This would also give Charlie the chance to meet the members of my family and friends that he hasn't met yet! Surprise surprise...they loved him!!!

The party was a success! We boogied, drank wine, ate lots of pizza and above all....we sang and played guitar a hell of a lot!!! My brother happily picked up the guitar and delighted us with a few Mcfly numbers and my mates Antony, Woody and Mike were more than happy to join in! I mean....look at their faces!!

Anyways, Charlie had his interview for Oxford the following monday so he couldn't stay over so Mike, Antony, Aaron, Woody and my friend noor stayed over instead. We were up all night laughing like loonies over the most pathetic jokes!! We ended up getting to sleep at 8am and waking up about 10am!!! Ridonkulous! But it's the best night i've had ALL year!!!

Anyways, So on wednesday i went into school for my last day ever!!! I've been at that school now for 5 years and i'm going to miss it a hell of a lot! I went to say goodbye to my legendary music teacher and we sat reminiscing of the concerts and plays we both worked on together. He got all teary as did i and seeing as it was my last day he gave me a hug and told me to keep in touch! You see, My music teacher joined the school the same year as i did and me being a bit of a misfit found that i belonged in the Performing Arts Centre and my music teacher was more than happy to let me sing whilst he played piano every lunch time. i guess what i'm trying to say is that he became a friend instead of a teacher. And out of all the friends i made at NC i'm going to miss him the most. Dr Roche, You're a legend.

After that emotional blow, Charlie met me from school with a bunch of flowers. We got some lunch and headed back to my house to eat the sarnies we got watch "The Santa Clause"!!! After that we went took the train to Kensington where he lives when he's in london to watch Family Guy!!! (I'm a huge fan of that now after Charlie educating me!! haha). It was there i got a call from my brother telling me my parents had had a car crash and they were all at the hospital! He reassured me everyone was ok just cuts and bruises and a bit of whiplash on my dad's part! Once i put the phone down i was in tears again! Charlie made me a cup of tea and i calmed down and we talked things through. once i'd stopped crying i could barely stand up. Emotional exhaustion i'd say!
The next morning Charlie and i went to Patisserie Valerie for breakfast. Croque Madame! AMAZING! I was unbelievably hungry but that did the trick! Charlie then packed and i was forced to say goodbye to him at the train station :/ This time the both of us were in tears and it took a lot to leave.
When i got home, Tom was at the house looking after mum and dad who couldn't move around very much at all! Unfortunately mum found out yesterday that she's got a chipped sternum....y'know...the bone down the centre of your chest that links all your ribs! OWEE! She's ok though. Just strong painkillers for her!!

So yeah, what a week eh?! Got Antony, Aaron, Woody and Mike coming over on wednesday so they should be able to cheer me up ! And if they can't then i'm kicking the all out of the house! We're twitcamming though so it'll be fine! For those who follow me you'd better be watching!!
Well it's late so i'm gonna scoot off to bed!!
Nighty night all!
The Ghiblisaurus!

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