So this is my happy place! Memories Galore. Some of them being sweet treats we've had. Like the last can of coke from The Hill Cafe that Charlie let me had while he had to settle with Orangina. Once we went ice skating where there was a Chuppa Chup machine that was slightly the sense that one 20p gave us 17 lollies! We split them and of course i ate some but saved a few for my box!!
This ones a little odd. The night Charlie and i told each other we loved each other we were supposed to be going to the funfair...but when we got there it was closed! So we all sat down and chilled out in the park nearby for a while. Half way through our time there we realized we'd lost our friend Ewan who had had a little to much to drink. We called him and turns out he had just stumbled off to the nearest train station to go home without saying goodbye! We found him sitting down by the station in the middle of the street holding 2 halves of a coconut and a yellow lightbulb that he'd "found" near the fair. He put the lightbulb in half of the coconut and handed it to me. "Present!" he drunkenly slurred at me. We put Ewan in a cab which Charlie ended up paying for. We found out the next day that Ewan had left his bag in the cab and the driver had taken advantage of Ewan's drunken state and overcharged him! Poor boy! Anyways, the coconut went bad but i stll kept the lightbulb in memory of the night of "i love you's".
Next in the box is two menus and what we ordered from a Dim Sum restaurant called The Phoenix Palace on baker Street. It's amazing but Charlie orders too much!
To go along with that, the last time we were at this restaurant, Charlie tried to teach me some chinese. I wasn't any good! :S
There's a Ben's Cookies shop in the station near where Charlie lives and every time we go past Charlie insists on getting me a cookie. Seriously....i am the human cookie monster....
This is from the shop i introduced Charlie too. He's obsessed with comics and graphic novels and he was rather grateful that i took him there....however he now is a lot of money worse off seeing as he spends it all in this shop! haha
Usually Charlie and i meet up during the school week in the graveyard at the church on the hill. Sometimes we take snacks to munch on. Once i took twiglets for Charlie and a chocolate orange for me which we shared and Charlie made me keep the packet!!
These are tickets to the concerts and places we've been to. Including The Script, The Killers, Ice skating at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, a concert at Charlie's school on our 5th monthaversary! and the charity concert Charlie organized in london!
This is a Chanel Chocolate and rasberry lolly Charlie gave me for Valentines day which i've refused to eat because i want to keep it! Underneath is also a cutting from the wrapping the roses he gave me were wrapped in!
Charlie also gave me a purple photo album for Valentines day, full of pictures of times we've spent together in our long journey of being a couple!
The original lyrics to Trains that he gave me the day he first played and taught it to me. This one makes me quite tearful!
While Charlie is away we usually like to send each other letters. Keeps the traditionally romance alive. Emails are all too modern and hardly show real love right? So this is a pile of letters written by Charlie to me all wrapped up in a ribbon.
So that's my most cherished items in My Happy Place :)
Hope i didn't bore you all or get too soppy! Just thought this might help my little throbbing heart whilst Charlie's away. Surprisingly it's helped! Hope you enjoyed!
All my love,